Euphorbia hirta L. Hierba de pollo, Saca teta, Golondrina Monoecious annual herb, erect or decumbent at base, pubescent, some trichomes short and +/- uncinate, some longer and straight. Leaves opposite, simple; stipules minute, paired, acicular; petioles 2-4 mm long; blades +/- elliptic, asymmetrical, obtuse to acute at apex, slightly cordate and oblique at base, 2-3 (5.5) cm long, 10-15 (25) mm wide, serrate. Flowers naked, in cyathia, the glomerules terminal and axillary, leafless, strigose (often reddish), to ca 1 cm wide; disk bearing 4 glands and minute, white, petaloid appendages; staminate flowers with a single red anther; pistillate flowers solitary, medial in the cyathia; styles 3, deeply bifid. Capsules ovoid, to 1.7 mm long and wide, strigose, held to one side of the cyathia toward maturity by bending of the pedicel, explosively dehiscent, the seeds being thrown several meters; seeds 3, 1 per carpel, ovoid, less than 1 mm long, angulate, reddish-brown. Croat 8508. Abundant in clearings. Flowers and fruits throughout the year. The most abundant species of Chamaesyce on the island. Pantropic weed. In Panama, ecologically variable; known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, all along the Atlantic slope, and in Chiriqui, Herrera, Panama, and Darien, from tropical dry forest in Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, and Panama, from premontane moist forest in the Canal Zone and Panama, from premontane wet forest in Bocas del Toro, and from tropical wet forest in Colon.