Polygamous, tendriled liana, the youngest parts herbaceous; stems angulate to terete; stems, peduncles, petioles, and lower leaf surfaces, and veins above densely floccose-tomentose at least when young; tendrils forked. Leaves simple; petioles 2-8 cm long; blades ovate-cordate, acuminate, 8-14 cm long, 6.5-12 cm wide, shallowly trilobate, serrate. Panicles leaf-opposed, to 20 cm long; peduncles 4-10 (15) cm long; flowers bisexual or functionally staminate, greenish, ca 2 mm long; calyx bowl-shaped, the margin undulate; corolla to 1.7 mm long, the petals 5, +/- oblong, fused at their apex and caducous as a unit; stamens 5, soon spreading, those of bisexual flowers somewhat shorter than those of staminate flowers; disk prominent, more than half as high as calyx; ovary weakly 5-lobed at base, ovoid; style short. Fruits +/- globose, to 8 mm diam, becoming brown and sour but tasty at maturity; seeds 2. Croat 10238, 11138.