Tendriled vine, the herbaceous stems terete, usually arising ultimately from a woody stem; most parts except pedicels and calyces villous; tendrils usually simple. Leaves simple; petioles mostly 1.5-5.5 cm long; blades all +/- of same shape, narrowly ovate to oblong-ovate, acuminate to acute at apex, mostly obtuse to truncate at base, sometimes subcordate to rarely cordate, the lower surface usually villous especially on veins, rarely nearly glabrous (frequently glabrous elsewhere), the upper surface usually glabrous except on veins; veins arising from base usually few to several, the lateral veins in 4 or 5 pairs above the basal ones, entering the apiculate teeth on margins of blade. Cymes terminal or opposite upper leaves, branched, umbelliform, as broad as or broader than long; peduncles 1-5 cm long at anthesis, to 6.5 cm long in fruit; bracts of inflorescence usually ciliate; pedicels glabrous, 2-3 mm long; flowers 2-3 mm long, greenish-white to white or pale yellow (often red elsewhere in bright exposed areas); calyx spreading, usually with 4 small lobes, glabrous, usually wider than the unopened corolla; petals 4, oblong, free, falling soon after opening; stamens 4, shorter than and opposite petals, arising from between the lobes of the disk; disk prominent, 4-lobed, persisting in fruit; style to 1 mm long. Fruits obovoid, to 6 mm long, green becoming red then black at maturity; seed usually 1. Croat 4581a. Occasional, in and around the edge of the Laboratory Clearing. Flowers principally in the dry season, but some flowers may be seen all year. Individuals probably flower several times per year; certainly they flower more than once, since flowering plants frequently bear juvenile or mature fruit from an earlier flowering. The fruits probably mature within 1 or 2 months.