Shrub, to 2 (3) m tall, densely stellate-pubescent on all exposed parts, the trichomes chiefly stalked; stems and lower midribs armed. Leaves alternate or subopposite in unequal pairs, sessile or nearly so; blades irregular, +/- rhomboid, acute at apex, cuneate to attenuate at base, the larger leaves 12-21 cm long, 7-15 cm wide, often 3-5-lobed, the smaller leaves 4-11 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, usually rhomboid. Racemes short, congested, axillary, subumbellate; pedicels to ca 2 cm long; flowers 5-parted; calyx divided to near base, the lobes narrowly triangular, to 5 mm long, densely pubescent with long stalked trichomes; corolla white, 6-9 (11) mm long, lobed to near base, the lobes narrowly triangular, +/- glabrous inside; stamens ca 4.7 mm long; filaments less than 1 mm long; anthers elongate, attenuate at apex; style 6-7 mm long; ovary and style sparsely pubescent. Berries globose, ca 6 mm diam, orange to red at maturity; seeds oblong, orange, flattened, 1.5-2 mm long. Croat 11987.