Tr. & Planch., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 4, 369. 1862 T. tomocarpa Standl. Polygamous, tendriled canopy liana; trunks to 12 cm diam, involuted; younger stems terete, pubescent, lenticellate, the trichomes minute, appressed, ferruginous; tendrils watchspring-like. Leaves trifoliolate; petioles 2-4 cm long; terminal petiolule mostly 2-2.5 cm long, the lateral ones ca half as long; leaflets mostly ovate to ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, obtuse to rounded (or rarely subcordate) at base, 6-12 (15) cm long, 2.5-9 cm wide, sparsely pubescent when young, +/- glabrous in age except on midrib above and in vein axils below, the midrib arched, the sides folded somewhat upward along midrib, the margins undulate, entire, or crenate near apex, the teeth blunt, usually glandular; veins at base 3. Cincinni in umbellate clusters 3-4 cm diam, borne on short axillary or terminal branches, the branches to 7 cm long, often bearing tendrils; branches, peduncles, pedicels, and calyces appressed-puberulous; pedicels mostly 2.5-3.5 mm long; flowers +/- actinomorphic, minute, greenish; calyx bowl-shaped, lobed, the lobes 5, uniform, acute, 0.7-1 mm long; petals 5, uniform, obovate, ca 0.4 mm long, each bearing from inside the base a deeply bifid, pubescent scale ca 1 mm long; disk prominent, ca 1.7 mm broad, glabrous; stamens 8, actinomorphic, in a tight cluster around pistil at center of flower, 3 erect and held closely together, 5 somewhat divergent; filaments villous in basal half, attached to anthers midway; anthers about as broad as long, the thecae usually separate below middle; pollen tacky; staminate flowers with the stamens ca 2.7 mm long; pistil minute; styles lacking; bisexual flowers with the stamens less than 2 mm long; pistil stipitate, to 3 mm long, 3-angled, weakly to densely appressed-pubescent; style short; stigmas 3, ca 1 mm long, pubescent, recurved. Fruits narrowly ovate-cordate, to 6.5 cm long, brown, glabrous, borne on a slender stalk 5 mm long, the samaras 3, to 1.9 mm wide, the cells lunate, submarginal, ca 1.5 cm long, the veins prominulous. Croat 13803. Rare; known from several places on Armour and Zetek trails. Flowers and fruits in the dry season. On BCI, plants that flowered in late February had mature fruits during April and early May. The species is variable throughout its range in pubescence, leaf shape, petal size, and particularly the shape and degree of pubescence of the flower petal scales. Herbarium specimens with the name T. marginata Tr. & Planch. are also this species, but the name was apparently never published. Some Peruvian specimens identified as T. repens Radlk. are also this species. The type (from Paraguay) was not seen.