Liana; stems glabrous, 6-ribbed but with 3 more prominent, sulcate when young, glabrous; wood composite, the vascular bundles usually 3, small, terete, peripheral. Leaves biternate, glabrous, 8-15 (26) cm long; petioles 1.5-4 (8) cm long, canaliculate on upper surface; rachis narrowly winged; leaflets narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, acute to acuminate and often deeply incised on both sides beneath acumen, attenuate at base, 3-13 cm long, 1.8-5 cm wide, thick, mostly entire except for a few crenate, often glandular teeth near apex, the acumen blunt with a gland-tipped apiculum. Inflorescences terminal or usually axillary and borne on tendrils, slender, to ca 20 cm long; pedicels densely tomentose, to ca 1.5 mm long; rachis weakly tomentose; flowers white, to 4.5 mm long; sepals ovate to obovate, densely tomentose outside, glabrous inside, to 2 mm long; petals narrowly obovate, glabrous, to 4.3 mm long, the anterior scales ca three-fourths as long as petals, stiffly pubescent on margins, the appendage deflexed, slender, extending down to about the middle of the scale, densely stiff-pubescent throughout, the crest slightly bilobed, orange, equaling the length of appendage; disk glands 2 or 4, semicircular, nearly glabrous; stamens villous, flattened; staminate flowers with the stamens to 4 mm long, the pistil minute, 3-sided, hispid at apex; bisexual flowers not seen. Fruits narrowly ovate-cordate, weakly constricted above the cells, 2.3-2.8 cm long, sparsely hispidulous on wing, densely brown-hispid on cell. Croat 7887.