Dryopteris poiteana (Bory) Urban Terrestrial, to ca 1 m tall; rhizome much like T. nicaraguensis. Leaves 1-pinnate; petioles as long as or longer than blades; petiole and especially rachis moderately to densely puberulent, the trichomes mostly stalked-tufted; leaflets sessile, +/- oblong, acuminate, rounded to obtuse at base, 11-22 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, shallowly lobed throughout except near apex, pubescent on both surfaces (especially underside), the trichomes irregular, sharp and stiff; lower 3 or 4 pairs of veins meniscoid (joining and forming an excurrent vein that ends before meeting next pair of veins). Sori round, exindusiate, moderately spaced, borne on veins in rows on either side of midrib; sporangia sparsely pubescent. Croat 6651.