Dryopteris dentata (Forssk.) Christensen Terrestrial, 55-130 cm tall; rhizome short-creeping. Petioles darkened and often purplish, 15-45 cm long, scaly at base, the scales linear-lanceolate, with dark-brown trichomes on margin; rachis pubescent; leaves 1-pinnate, 40-92 cm long (not including petiole), 14-34 cm wide, tapering evenly toward pinnatifid apex; largest leaflets 7-17 cm long, 1.1-2.7 cm wide, lobed one-half to three-fourths of the way to the base, the lowermost pairs of leaflets +/- reduced and auricled at the base, the basal pair of veinlets from adjacent segments broadly united below the sinus with an excurrent vein to the sinus; pubescence of mostly short trichomes less than 0.2 mm long with scattered longer ones. Sori in 2 rows, 1 along each side of midvein of each segment; indusium pubescent. Croat 6957, 12412 Frequent in open places on forest trails and at the edges of clearings; occasional on exposed shore banks. The species is often confused with Thelypteris quadrangularis (Fee) Schelpe var. quadrangularis. Determinations of BCI specimens were made by A. R. Smith, who revised Thelypteris Sect. Cyclosorus. Probably native to the Old World, but introduced into the United States, West Indies, and Central America. In Panama, known only from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone.