S. conduplicata sensu Spring. Terrestrial, usually 15-40 cm tall, glabrous; lower parts of stems in adult plants usually creeping, densely rooted, and leafless, the stems becoming erect and sparsely leafy and flexuous near apex, at least the larger stems swollen and markedly articulate, the lateral branches sparse, only the lower few of noticeable length. Median leaves auriculate, appearing affixed well above base, acute at apex, entire; lateral leaves ovate-oblong, acute to blunt at apex, not or weakly auriculate, to ca 5 mm long; lower stem leaves auriculate. Cones 1 mm wide, mostly 5-15 mm long, usually solitary, rarely 2-4 at apex of ultimate branches, sharply square; megaspores few, smooth, light brown. Croat 8614. Very abundant throughout the forest, especially along trails.