Willd., Sp. Pl. 5:387.1810 Terrestrial, 0.3-1(2) m tall; rhizome +/- erect, stout, scaly, the scales linear, reddish-brown, with irregular margins. Leaves 2-pinnate at least at base, pinnatifid; petioles scaly at base, about as long as blades, sometimes reddish and armed with minute, blunt spines; leaflets oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapered to a long, narrow, crenate-serrate apex, lobed nearly to main midrib, glabrous; main midrib with two raised margins on upper surface, the margins prominently awned near midrib of each lobe; sterile margins entire to serrate; veins free. Sori borne along margin of lobes; indusium narrow. Kenoyer 28.