Alsophila rostrata Mart. Terrestrial, lacking a trunk; rhizome with a single siphonostele, densely pubescent with long yellowish trichomes (also a few at base of petiole). Leaves 1-pinnate, to ca 2 m long but arch-ascending, the apex usually drooping; petioles ca 50 cm long; rachis yellowish, dull; leaflets linear-oblong, caudate-acuminate, acute to obtuse and sometimes inequilateral at base, 10-32 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide, the veins free or forked once usually near midrib, the margin entire except crenate near apex. Sori +/- round, on veins in an irregular pattern on either side of midrib. Croat 9527. Easily confused in sterile condition with Saccoloma elegans (10. Polypodiaceae), which has marginal sori, but distinguished by having the margins entire (except near apex), the veins rarely forked (except near base), the rachis yellowish and dull, and the rhizome clothed with dense yellow trichomes.