Terrestrial, to 70 cm tall; rhizome moderately short-creeping with slender spreading scales. Leaves usually few, 1-pinnate or rarely 2-pinnate; petiole and rachis dark brown or black, persistently pubescent-scaly (at least on rachis); leaflets asymmetrical, usually 5-10 cm long, +/- narrowly triangular, acuminate at apex, markedly inequilateral at base, glabrous or sparsely scaly below; sterile leaflets with margins unevenly and coarsely serrate but the proximal third of lower margin as well as the proximal margin entire; terminal leaflet +/- ovate. Sori very long and continuous on upper and lower margins (except near apex). Croat 7731. Abundant in the forest. Distinguished by its long pointed leaflets bearing sori along most of both margins. Tryon (1964) reported the species to be 2-pinnate in Peru, a condition that is rare in Panama. Panama to Peru and the Guianas; Trinidad and Tobago. In Panama, known from tropical moist forest on both slopes of the Canal Zone and in Panama and Darien, from premontane moist forest in the Canal Zone (Ancón Hill), and from tropical wet forest in Colon.