Vine, woody at base, essentially glabrous; stems striate. Stipules minutely setose, with 4 or 5 pairs of round glands essentially only in the central part, the first pair at the very base; petioles eglandular, to 2 cm long; blades broadly bilobed (occasionally with a small central lobe as well), V-shaped, obtuse to rounded at base, 3-5 (10) cm long in the center, 4-9 cm wide, distinctly lighter below, glabrescent, with a slender apiculum at apex of midvein and each lobe; palmate veins 3. Flowers paired in axils, 3-4 cm diam; peduncles to 2 cm long, jointed at or below the middle, with 3 slender bracts at articulation; hypanthium ca 3 mm deep, depressed at point of attachment to pedicel; sepals 5, lanceolate, 1.5-2 cm long, hooded, creamy white; petals 5, lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm long, creamy white; corona filaments in 2 series, the outer of oblong filaments ca 7 mm long, yellow, the inner of narrowly linear filaments ca 5 mm long, reddish; operculum closely plicate, 3 mm high; gynophore ca 5 mm long; stamens 5, fused into tube around style; anthers dorsifixed, held below stigma, spreading and dehiscing extrorsely; ovary +/- tomentulose. Berries globose,1.5-1.8 cm diam, yellow-green and mottled, becoming purple when mature; seeds many, to 3 mm long, reticulate, becoming dark. Croat 5416, 5707. Occasional, along the shore over low vegetation in Annona-Acrostichum associations and in clearings, Flowers and fruits throughout the year.