Pogonia cubensis Reichb.f.; T, cubensis (Reichb.f.) Ames Apparently saprophytic, terrestrial herb, to 15 cm tall; stem usually solitary, slender, arising from one end of a tuber. Leaves few, lanceolate to suborbicular, reduced to sheathing bracts above, l-2 cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide. Flowers several, solitary from upper axils, forming corymbiform racemes; petals and sepals 7-8 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, obtuse to acute, green, the sepals tinged with maroon; lip lanceolate-obovate, clawed, trilobate, 7-8 mm long, ca 3 mm wide, white with light green on 3 crested keels, the middle lobe subrotund. Fruits not seen. Kenoyer 250. Rare. Flowering season unknown; the plant seems to appear at irregular intervals. Florida and Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador; the Antilles; probably in the intervening areas also. In Panama, known only from tropical moist forest on BCI. See Fig. 176.