Dioecious or monoecious tree, to 10 (35) m tall, usually to ca 15 cm dbh; branches slender, slightly flexuous, conspicuously but sparsely hispidulous (except densely so when young), sometimes becoming glabrate, the trichomes usually acropetal; sap yellowish, turning brown or reddish. Leaves alternate, distichous; petioles 3-5 mm long; petioles and midrib of blades pubescent like the stems; stipules fully amplexicaul, lanceolate, 5-10 mm long, densely hispidulous; blades oblong-elliptic to narrowly obovate, abruptly and narrowly long-acuminate to subcuspidate at apex, obtuse to rounded at base, (6)16-28 (48) cm long, (2) 4-10 (20) cm wide, glabrate on upper surface except on midrib, glabrate to sparsely hispidulous on smaller veins below, densely hispidulous on midrib below, the lateral veins in 7-23 pairs, the margins entire to +/- coarsely undulate-serrate toward apex. Inflorescences axillary, solitary or clustered, involucrate, discoid; staminate inflorescences 3-6 (10) mm diam, the peduncles 1-3 (6) mm long, the bracts ca 25-60, deltoid to ovate, acute at apex, in 4-8 series, the flowers 10 or more; perianth to 1.1 mm long; tepals 4, free, cucullate, obtuse, yellowish-puberulent; stamens 4, free, nearly included; anthers broadly oval. Pistillate inflorescences solitary or accompanied by staminate ones, 4-15 mm diam, subsessile to pedunculate, the peduncles slender, to 3 mm long, the bracts 20-90, deltoid to ovate, in 4-10 series, the flowers numerous, all fertile; perianth entire to 4-lobed, to ca 2 mm long, hispidulous, accrescent and +/- pulpy in fruit but essentially free; ovary superior to subinferior; style central; stigma lobes short, broad. Fruiting heads subsessile, l-2 cm diam; fruits ovoid, orange, hispidulous, to ca 9 mm long, together forming a weakly united syncarp. Knight 3502, 1510. Apparently rare; known only from the forest near Standley Trail 1000 and along AMNH Trail. Seasonality uncertain. Flowers principally from August to April. The fruits mature mostly from January to June. Costa Rica to Peru. In Panama, restricted to the Atlantic Coast; known from wetter areas of tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone and Bocas del Toro, from premontane wet forest in the Canal Zone (Pipeline Road) and Bocas del Toro (Punta Peña, vicinity of Chiriquicito), and from tropical wet forest in Colón (Portobelo) and Panama.