L., Sp. Pl.121.1753 Herb, usually less than 30 cm tall; stems short, the plants often appearing acaulescent; leaves and stems juicy. Leaves crowded, spirally arranged; petioles 7-25 cm long; blades extremely variable in shape and size, commonly deeply pinnatifid, basifixed, 8-24 cm long, 9-20 cm wide, scrabridulous or inconspicuously puberulent, the lobes acuminate, often contracted toward base, the leaf base truncate to cordate. Peduncles usually longer than petioles, to 36 cm long; receptacles yellowish, centrally peltate, variously radiate to +/- quadrangular, 1.5-3.5 cm diam, accrescent and to 5 cm diam in fruit. Seeds ca 1 mm long, +/- rounded, weakly tuberculate. Foster 2791. Southern Mexico to Peru and the Guianas; the Antilles. In Panama, known from tropical dry forest in Panama (Taboga Island), from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Bocas del Toro, and Darien, and from premontane wet forest in Coclé.