Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane Fr. 2:865.1775 Hierba de pasmo, Pasmo Monoecious shrubs or small trees, mostly to 5 m tall but occasionally taller; stems reddish, stellate-puberulent particularly when young, malodorous. Leaves opposite; petioles 5-8 mm long; blades elliptic-oblong, acuminate, round to obtuse at base, 8-18 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, densely and minutely pellucid-glandular, sparsely strigillose and stellate-puberulent above, sparsely stellate-puberulent below, densely yellowish-puberulent when young; major lateral veins in 7-9 pairs. Flowers greenish, in axillary cymes, the cymes 1 or 2 on each side of stem, to 1.5 cm long (to 3 cm long in fruit), mostly unisexual, with 5-15 flowers, the puberulence yellowish, stellate; flowers to 2 mm long on pedicels to 3 mm long; tepals 4-6, deltoid; staminate flowers with 10-14 stamens; pistillate flowers with basally connate styles. Fruits several per cyme, drupaceous, aggregate, enclosed in the hypanthium, +/- globose, to 1.5 cm diam, reddish-yellow when mature, bursting irregularly; seeds about 6, tuberculate, grayish. White 250. Not collected in recent years on the island; several earlier collections were made, but the species may have been replaced in the course of succession in recent years. Elsewhere in the Canal Zone, the plant is occasional in disturbed areas. Flowers in April and May. The fruits mature from August to October. What is referred to as seeds within the hypanthium are the fruits of individual flowers, but it seems best to think of them as seeds of a single fruit.