Shrub, l-3 m tall, densely hirsute except on petals and inner flower parts, the trichomes on lower leaf surfaces of various lengths, those of stems and axes of inflorescences retrorse at least at base. Petioles 2-9 cm long; blades ovate to ovate-elliptic, long-acuminate, obtuse to rounded at base, 11-25 cm long, 5.5-15 cm wide, ciliate and denticulate; veins 5-7. Panicles slender, usually terminal, reddish, usually 10-20 cm long; flowers small, usually 5-parted; hypanthium often with gland-tipped trichomes, together with calyx ca 3 mm long, the lobes minute, the exterior teeth subulate, longer than lobes; petals acute, 2.5-3 mm long, white to pinkish; stamens usually twice the number of petals; ovary inferior; style longer than stamens, erect or +/- curved to one side. Berries round, to 6 mm diam, purple, hirsute; seeds minute, numerous. Croat 12507. Common, especially along streams. Apparently flowers and fruits throughout the year.