Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 14. 1788 Erect or sprawling herb, usually 30-40 cm long, occasionally vinelike and very long, sparsely pubescent throughout. Petioles 5-20 mm long; blades ovate to triangular, acute at apex, obtuse to attenuate or truncate at base, 1.5-6 cm. long, 1-3 cm wide, crenate-serrate. Panicles verticillate, the flowers 6-10 in a vertical; calyx tubular, prominently veined, with capitate glandular trichomes persisting in fruit; corolla ca 2.5 mm long, the tube white, the lower lobe weakly trilobate, blue with white stripes; stamens 2, affixed near apex of tube; filaments with hook-shaped appendages on inner side, these acting as levers to force stamens inward when pressed upon by an insect entering the tube; style held slightly above anthers and adjacent to upper lip; stigma bilobed, the lobes flared. Nutlets smooth, 0.5-1.5 mm long, usually only 1 maturing. Croat 6943. An occasional weedy plant of clearings. Flowers in the early dry season, with the fruits maturing in the late dry season.