Tall tree, probably exceeding 30 m; branches and petioles usually glaucous. Leaves distichous; stipules minute, caducous; petioles 4-15 mm long; blades elliptic-oblong, abruptly short-acuminate, rounded to minutely cordate at base, usually 7-22 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, minutely appressed-denticulate, somewhat pellucid-punctate, paler below than above. Umbelliform fascicles of 4-25 (30) flowers, arising from leaf axils or from points ca 5 mm above axils or taking place of leaf along stem, arising on basal two-thirds of branch; pedicels 5-12 mm long; sepals somewhat petaloid, obtuse-reflexing, 2-4 mm long; corolla lacking; stamens 12-20; filaments ca 2 mm long; anthers ca 1 mm long, oblong; style simple, l-2 mm long, persisting on fruit. Capsules berrylike, 1.5-2 cm thick, glabrous, subglobose; seeds 10-20, pitted, ca 3 mm long. Knight 1301.