Tree, to 50 m tall; trunk 30-100 cm dbh, buttressed; outer bark whitish, thin, often loose; inner bark moderately thick, with numerous red streaks exuding minute sap droplets, the streaks forming concentric rings especially near wood, the sap copious, red; branchlets glabrous to densely pubescent. Leaves alternate; stipules caducous, linear to +/- falcate, 3-10 mm long; petioles 2.5-4.5 cm long, pulvinate at base; rachis glabrous to densely ferruginous-pubescent, 3-12 (20) cm long; petiolules 3-6 (9) mm long; leaflets (3) 5-9 (12), ovate to elliptic, bluntly acuminate, acute to rounded or rarely slightly cordate at base, 3.5-10 (13) cm long, 2-4 (5.5) cm wide, glabrous above, usually with short, appressed pubescence below, the midrib sometimes arched with the sides folded somewhat upward. Racemes usually axillary, to 12 cm long, shorter than leaves; calyces and pedicels densely pubescent, the trichomes short, golden-brown, appressed; pedicels 5-7 (10) mm long; flowers pinkish-orange, ca 1.5 cm long; calyx to 7 (11) mm long, oblique, narrowly campanulate, the teeth blunt, 1-2 mm long, the vexillar teeth larger; standard ca 1.5 cm long, emarginate, violet-purple at the center, clawed, the claw ca 4.5 mm long; keel and wings slightly shorter than standard, both marked with violet-purple, the keel petals weakly connate on their outer edge; stamens diadelphous, those of the tube weakly connate; pollen golden; ovary appressed-pilose, uniformly oblong; style longer than stamens. Fruits round to oval, flat and thin, mostly 5.5-7 cm long and 5-6 cm wide, usually unequal at the base, minutely pubescent, yellowish- to rusty-brown, indehiscent; seminiferous area central, ca 3 cm long, slightly raised, the margins very thin, reticulate, often minutely wrinkled; seed 1. Croat 14866, 16623, 16627. Frequent in the forest, possibly less abundant on the western side of the island. Flowers every other year (R. Foster, pers. comm), usually in May and June, less frequently earlier in the dry season. The fruits mature from August to November.