[Inga alatopetiola Schery, moreInga alopetiolata Schery, Inga grandifolia Pittier, Inga lindeniana Benth., Inga panamensis Seem., Inga panamensis var. clavata Schery, Inga panamensis var. pittieri (Micheli) Schery, Inga panamensis var. rodrigueziana (Pittier) Schery, Inga purpusii Pittier]
Tree, to 15 m tall; branchlets ferruginous-puberulent when young, glabrate and prominently lenticellate in age. Petioles ribbed, 2-7 cm long; rachis winged; petiole and rachis sparsely ferruginous-pubescent; leaflets in 2-5 pairs, obovate to elliptic, acute to acuminate, obtuse to rounded at base, densely tomentose to puberulent especially on midrib and veins below, the terminal pair 11-26 cm long, 4.5-12 cm wide. Spikes usually axillary in groups of 1-3; peduncles usually sparsely tomentose, 1-5 (6) cm long; floral rachis much shorter, 0.5-2 (3) cm long; bracts to 12 mm long; calyx and corolla sparsely sericeous; calyx 6-13 (17) mm long, the lobes to 2 mm long; corolla 18-30 mm long, the lobes to 3 mm long; stamens and styles 4-5.5 cm long. Legumes tetragonal with prominently ribbed corners, 11-30 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, ca 1.5 cm thick, glabrate to densely pubescent. Croat 5025, 7345. An extremely variable species. Often planted for shade in coffee plantations.