Vine or scandent shrub, to 5 m tall; branchlets +/- angulate, the angles of the branchlets and sometimes the rachis armed with recurved prickles; petiole and rachis above puberulent and leaf margins ciliate, otherwise glabrous. Leaves bipinnate with 8-15 pairs of pinnae, each pinna 2.5-4 (5) cm long; petioles 1-3 cm long, with 2 oblong glands on upper side; rachis 5-8 cm long, with an oblong gland at base of each pinna mostly in upper portions; leaflets in 20-40 pairs per pinna, oblong, rounded at apex, rounded to truncate at base, 4-7 mm long, ca 1 mm. wide, glabrous but ciliate and sometimes with tufts in inside axil at base of leaf; midrib subcentral. Inflorescences terminal or upper-axillary; peduncles 1-2 cm long; flowers +/- glabrous, sessile, clustered in white globular heads to ca 2 cm wide; rachis less than 5 mm long; calyx 1-2 mm long, acutely lobed; corolla tubular, 3-4 mm long, acutely lobed. Legumes flat, thin, mostly 10-15 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, tomentulose, stipitate, with a sharp beak 5 mm long at apex of fruit; seeds disk-shaped, ca 6 mm long, borne on a slender funiculus, the funiculus attached laterally to the seed, with a sharp bend near its middle. Croat 8000, Foster 1392. Uncommon, on the shore on the eastern and southern sides of the island. Flowers in the rainy season. The fruits are of mature size by January and February, but probably are not dispersed until late in the dry season (April).