Ponthieva garayana Dodson & Vasquez, Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2, 4: pl. 365. 1989. TYPE: Bolivia, R. Vasquez, C. Luer & A. Besse 822 (holotype, MO; isotype, LPB). Plants 25 cm tall. Leaves 2–3, basal, rosulate, petiolate; petiole five cm long, cuneate; blade up to five cm long and 2.5 cm wide, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, margins undulate, dark green with four white stripes. Peduncle glabrous, with 3–4 sheaths, terminated by a loosely 1–12-flowered, pulverulent raceme. Flower small, sepals greenish maroon, lateral ones with a yellow spot, petals yellow, lip yellow with green spots. Floral bracts up to six mm long, ovate, acute. Pedicellate ovary up to nine mm long. Sepals pubescent on the outer surface. Dorsal sepal seven mm long, two mm wide, oblong lanceolate, subobtuse, 3-veined. Petals unguiculate, claw free part ca one mm long; blade four mm long, 0.5 mm wide, obliquely oblong ligulate, with prominent basal auricle, obtuse, yellow. Lateral sepals seven mm long, four mm wide, obliquely elliptic-ovate, subacute, 3-veined. Lip long unguiculate, claw longer than lamina, narrow, terete; lamina three mm long, ca one mm wide in total, oblong-lanceolate, acute, concave, basally subcordate. Gynostemium 4.5 mm long, clavate, very long-stalked (Fig. 20). Ecology: Terrestrial in upper montane wet forest. Flowering in February and December.
Notes: While examining herbarium material deposited in P and US cited above, we came across specimens which overall fit description of P. garayana, but the plants are larger with somewhat larger flower segments, but with slightly smaller lip. We did not include, however, their measurements to the above compilation. The most characteristic features of P. garayana are long-stalked gynostemium, long-unguiculate, very small, oblong-lanceolate lip with cordate base, and petals with large basal auricle