Plants up to 35 cm tall. Leaves 3–7, petiolate; petiole up to six cm long; blade up to eight cm long, four cm wide, glabrous. Peduncle delicate, sparsely pubescent-glandular, loosely 3-sheathed, terminated by a laxly 10–20-flowered raceme six cm long. Flowers medium-sized. Brown at the base, tipped with bright yellow. Floral bracts eight mm long, densely glandular-pubescent. Pedicellate ovary 15 mm long, densely pubescent-glandular. Dorsal sepal nine mm long, two mm wide, narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 5-veined. Petals unguiculate, blade six mm long, 1.4 mm wide, obliquely oblong-ligulate, apically connivent with dorsal sepal, 2-veined, veins branching, short ciliate only on external margins. Lateral sepals 10.5 mm long, four mm wide, free to the base, obliquely broadly elliptic-obovate, obtuse, 7-veined. Lip shortly unguiculate, claw margins expanded into triangular, erect lobes; lamina three mm long, two mm wide, 3-lobed apically, obtriangular-obovate in outline from cuneate base, ecallose; middle lobe lanceolate, subacute; lateral lobes triangular-ovate, obtuse. Gynostemium ca 5.5–6 mm long, stalked, much swollen above fusion with lip (Fig. 19).
Ecology: Terrestrial. Flowering in October. Distribution: Colombia. Alt. 1,380–1,500 m.
Notes: The new species is rather similar to P. parvilabris, but its leaves are long-petiolate (petiole up to six cm long vs. 0.5–1(3) cm long), petals are obliquely oblong-ligulate (vs. obliquely triangular), with rounded apices, lip is sessile (vs. lip claw two mm long), with a pair of large, triangular calli at the base broadly fused with the base of the gynostemium (vs. lip glabrous).