Plants about 35 cm tall. Leaves 6, basal, subsessile; blade up to 4.5 cm long and 1.3 cm wide, oblong-lanceolate, acute to obtuse, glabrous. Peduncle erect, glandulose-puberulent above, enclothed by numerous sheaths, terminated by a fairly dense, many-flowered, cylindrical raceme. Flowers glandulose-pubescent externally. Floral bracts up to six mm long, ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, glandulose-puberulent. Pedicellate ovary up to seven mm long, glandulose-puberulent. Dorsal sepal about 5.5 mm long and two mm wide, lanceolate-ovate, subobtuse, 3-veined. Petals up to five mm long and 3.5 mm wide, from shortly unguiculate base obliquely triangular-dolabriform, obtuse, rounded and auriculate at base, 1-veined, branching, margins ciliolate. Lateral sepals about six mm long and 2.5 mm wide, free to the base, obliquely oblong-ovate with a subfalcate apex, subobtuse, 3-veined, margins ciliolate. Lip distinctly, but shortly unguiculate; lamina 4.5–4.8 mm long and 2.8–3 mm wide, concave, suborbicular, cordate at base, apex with an elongate, linear lobule rounded at apex; disc 5-veined, nerves branching, papillose in basal half. Gynostemium ca three mm long (Fig. 6).
Ecology: Terrestrial, growing in grassy banks, meadows, and open hills. Flowering in January, May, September, October, and December
Notes: P. micromystax can be confused with P. rostrata. In general the sepals and petals are similar in shape, but in P. micromystax they are prominently auriculate, and in P. rostrata—truncate at base. Also the lip morphology separates both species. The lip of P. micromystax is suborbicular usually with a linear, obtuse apical lobule, whereas in P. rostrata it is cymbiform-transversely elliptic with a deltoid or spathulate, acute apical lobule, widest just below the apex. Most valuable distinctive characters of P. micromystax are its subsessile, oblong-lanceolate leaves and the floral bracts almost as long as the ovaries. The leaf blade of P. rostrata is elliptic to lanceolate-elliptic, with a one to four cm long petiole, and the floral bracts are much shorter than ovaries. Ponthieva camargoi differs from P. micromystax in having 1.5 mm long unguiculate petals and lip