Liana, growing over the canopy, the younger parts herbaceous; stems inconspicuously appressed-pubescent to glabrate. Petioles 1-2.5 cm long; blades +/- oblong to ovate, rounded to emarginate and apiculate at apex, rounded to subcordate at base, mostly 4-12 cm long, 2.5-9 cm wide, glabrate or inconspicuously appressed-pubescent on lower surface (especially on younger leaves), the older leaves undulate. Cymes axillary; flowers numerous, l-4 on each branch, 4-5 cm long at anthesis, densely appressed-puberulent; sepals 5, elliptic, 7-12 mm long, densely to inconspicuously pubescent, rounded and minutely toothed at apex; corolla white, funnelform, 3-4 cm long, broadened above calyx and deeply pleated most of its length, glabrous inside, the outer exposed ribs with long, brown trichomes; stamens 5, unequal, 10-14 mm long; filaments fused in basal half, the fused