Glabrous, dioecious tree, to 12 m tall; trunk to ca 20 cm dbh, the base often with weakly developed stilt-roots; branches slender, often drooping; sap yellow. Petioles 2-2.5 (5) cm long; blades oblong-obovate, acute to bluntly acuminate at apex (rarely rounded), acute at base, (10) 1235 cm long, (4.5) 7.5-13 cm wide; lateral veins in 6-12 pairs. Panicles terminal, short-pedunculate, to 10 cm long, the branches divaricate, often +/- flattened; flowers unisexual, many, ca 3 cm broad, arranged in dichasia, the buds globose; sepals 4, the outer pair smaller, strongly concave, reflexed at anthesis; petals 5, elliptic to oblong or obovate, to 13 mm long, white or yellowish; staminate flowers with numerous stamens in a cluster 15 mm wide and ca 5 mm long, free or somewhat connate; filaments fleshy, broader than the tapered anther, the innermost curved outward; pistillode glabrous, conical, with 5 short styles; pistillate flowers fewer, somewhat smaller; ovary 4- or 5-locular; ovules 1(2) per locule, erect; style very short; stigmas 5, cuneate-obovate; staminodia many, ca 2.5 mm long. Fruits obovoid, ca 4 cm long (including stipe), rounded at apex, with 5 persistent styles to 5 mm long, the stigmas discoid, ca 2.5 mm diam; staminodia persistent. Croat 14452, Dare 1116.