Dioecious tree, usually to 13 m tall, usually hemiepiphytic, attached to host at least when young by circumferal grasping roots; young stems and petioles reddish-brown, scurfy, glabrate, or puberulent; sap viscid, clear, reddish or yellowish. Leaves spiral; petioles 3-7 cm long; stipules fully amplexicaul, 1-7 cm long, usually pubescent; blades ovate, obtuse and often apiculate at apex, subcordate to rounded or truncate at base, 10-20 cm long, 6.5-12 cm wide, glabrous above, whitish below with dense, appressed, arachnoid trichomes, the margins sinuate to crenate; venation palmate at base, the major lateral veins in 10-20 pairs above base. Inflorescences of pedunculate globular heads ca 5 mm broad, the staminate inflorescences dichotomously compounded 2-4 times, equaling or shorter than subtending petiole, the flowers with 4 free tepals and 2 fused stamens; pistillate inflorescences simple, usually 2 per node, the peduncles 4-6 cm long, the heads ca 1 cm diam at anthesis, the style very short, the stigma barely exserted, the peduncle and ovary minutely pubescent. Syncarps +/- globose, fleshy at maturity, orange, ca 2 cm diam. Croat 5698, 7839. Occasional, along the shore and in the forest. Flowers mostly in the dry season (February to June), with the fruits maturing in late rainy season. See Fig. 198.