Dioecious tree, 20-40 m tall; trunk 0.8-1 m dbh, armed or unarmed, branched near apex, the branches slender, short, ascending, armed with short, stout, conical spines at least near their ends. Leaves palmately compound; petioles 10-25 cm long; leaflets 5-12, lanceolate, acuminate at apex, narrowly attenuated at base to an obscure petiolule 6-18 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, dark green above, glaucous below. Staminate inflorescences pedunculate, laxly cymose, 7-9 cm long; peduncles 6-12 cm long; bracts minute; pedicels 3-4 mm long; flowers many, tubular; calyx tube 1 mm long; corolla greenish-white, the tube 10-14 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, the lobes ovate-rounded, 7-8 mm long; stamens 8, in 2 unequal series, united in a short tube; filaments pilose; pistillode filiform, to 11 mm long. Pistillate flowers usually solitary, the other flowers not developing; peduncles 8-10 cm long; bracts 11-13 mm long; calyx tube 1-1.5 mm long; corolla divided almost to base, the tube 2 mm long, the lobes fleshy, 2-3.3 cm long, 7 mm wide; ovary narrowly ovoid, subpentagonal, 11-20 mm long; styles lacking; stigmas 5, narrowly linear, 7-8 mm long. Fruits +/- ellipsoid, sometimes ovoid, obtuse or sometimes apiculate at apex, obtuse at base, to 12 cm long and 3.5 cm diam, pendent, yellow or orangish; seeds many, ovoid. Foster 2816.