Cultivated tree, 7 (25) m tall, pubescent throughout, especially rufous-tomentose on lower leaf surface, inflorescence branches, and calyces; pseudostipules foliaceous, ovate-cordate, 3 cm long, 2 cm wide. Leaves pinnate, 3-19-foliolate, to 50 cm long; petioles 3-7 cm long; petiolules obsolete or to 2 mm long; leaflets +/- elliptic, abruptly acuminate, acute to rounded at base, 7-13 cm long, 4-7 cm wide. Racemes terminal, corymbiform; flowers large, showy; calyx spathaceous, to ca 6 cm long, the lobes curved inward; corolla broadly campanulate, asymmetrical, more deeply cleft on one side, to ca 13 cm long, red-orange, the lobes ovate, the margin yellow and undulate; stamens directed inward toward calyx, often exserted between lowermost lobes like the style; anther thecae divaricate, 8 mm long; ovary narrowly oblong, minutely papillate. Capsules +/- oblong, flattened, smooth, acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, 6-11(21) cm long, 4-5 (6) cm wide, splitting open on one side; replum perforated, loose at base; seeds ca 2 cm long and 3 cm wide, the wings transparent, the margin smooth. Croat 517. The species is easily recognized by its large, red-orange flowers and oblong capsules with winged seeds.