at anthesis, ca 2-2.5 mm wide, to 16 cm long in fruit and 4-6 mm thick; peduncles slender, l-2 cm long; bracts small, their stalk and margin bearded. Fruits obovoid, papillate, with a broad, smooth apical disk; styles 3 or 4, short and thick. Croat 14651. Occasional, in the forest. Flowering mostly from the middle of the dry season into the rainy season. The fruits develop throughout the rainy season, perhaps chiefly in the early rainy season, particularly in June and July. Because of its peltate venation it could be confused with P. marginatum, a species with smaller, thinner, more cordate leaves occurring in clearings and at the margins of the forest. The species is distinguished from all others on BCI by the prominent apical disk on its fruit. Standley listed this taxon as P. smilacifolium C. DC., which is not a valid name. Nicaragua to northern South America; West Indies; sea level to 700 m. In Panama, known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Bocas del Toro, Colón, Chiriqui, Panama, and Darien. See Fig. 190.