Kaulf., Enum. Fi1.170.1824 Epiphyte, to 20 cm tall. Leaves 1-pinnate; petiole and rachis with a narrow strip of foliaceous tissue on either side; leaflets oblong-elliptic, acute at apex, unequal at base with a slight auricle on upper side, 1.5-2.5 cm long, ca 8 mm wide, thin, deeply and +/- evenly serrate, the veins nearly all simple. Sori several, oblong, on distal side of lateral veins oblique to midrib, usually in all but basal and apical fourth of leaflets. Reported by Standley, but no specimens were cited and none has been seen from the island. The species has been seen in Frijoles (Killip 12151) and could very easily be overlooked.