Funestrum clausum (Jacq.) Schlechter; F. seibertii Woods. Chiefly herbaceous vine, branched many times, glabrous or sparsely pubescent with loose white trichomes easily wiped off; all cut parts with copious milky sap. Leaves opposite; petioles 5-7 (9) mm long; blades linear to elliptic-oblong, acuminate, rounded or weakly cordate at base, 3-7 cm long, 0.5-1.5 (3) cm wide. Inflorescences of stalked, axillary umbels, mostly bearing to 30 flowers; peduncles 6-9 cm long; pedicels 12-20 mm long; flowers 5-parted, white, 1-2 cm long (ca 2 cm wide, when open); calyx lobes 5, short, ca 3 mm long, sharp-pointed; petals white or pinkish outside, 6-7 mm long, imbricate, ciliate, densely puberulent inside; hoods 5, white, encircling broad gynostegium; pollinia cylindrical, pale yellow, ca 1.2 mm long; style weakly bifurcate, slightly exceeding hoods; nectaries cuplike at base of and alternating with hoods, the nectar may fill the space between hoods (over the pollinia) by capillary action. Follicles 5-9 cm long, ca 1.2 cm thick; seeds numerous, flat, brown, less than 6 mm long, bearing a terminal tuft of fine trichomes 2-3 cm long. Croat 11928.