Jacq., Coll. 3:247. 1789 Herb, 20-150 cm tall; stems hollow. Leaves opposite; stipules minute, bristly-ciliate; petioles 1-8 cm long, bearing a tuft of fine trichomes at apex; blades deltoid-ovate or ovate, acuminate, truncate to cordate at base, 2.5-9 (14) cm long, 2-6 (14) cm wide, dentate-crenate, sparsely setose-pubescent on veins, paler below. Umbels simple, axillary; peduncles 1-14 cm long, finely pubescent especially near apex; pedicels slender, 7-10 mm long; flowers 5-parted, minute, white; calyx ca 1 mm long, with apiculate teeth; petals obovate, ca 2 mm long; stamens to 1.5 mm long; anthers ca 0.4 mm long, 0.5 mm wide; styles 2, to 1 mm long; stigma simple. Fruits ovoid, 2-4 mm long, ca 2 mm wide. Aviles 18. Collected once on the island; probably no longer occurring there. Seasonal behavior not determined. Flowers and fruits most abundantly in the rainy season.