Provision tree, Sapote longo Evergreen tree, to 23 m high and 70 cm dbh, often buttressed; outer bark hard, planar, thin, with weak distant vertical fissures; inner bark thick, reddish, marbled with white. Leaves palmately compound, glabrous; stipules ovate, ca 1 cm long; petioles to 24 cm long, often ribbed, swollen at both ends; leaflets 5-7 (9), oblong-obovate to elliptic, caudate-acuminate to apiculate at apex, tapered to an acute base and decurrent on petiolule, 5-29 cm long, 3-15 cm wide, whitish-lepidote especially below. Flowers sweetly aromatic, usually solitary in upper axils; pedicels stout, 1-5.5 cm long; calyx +/- tubular, truncate, the lobes obscure; petals 5, valvate, linear, greenish-white to brown, 17-34 cm long, ca 1.5 cm wide, curled outward at anthesis, stellate-puberulent outside, glabrous to villous inside; stamens many, scarlet in apical third, white basally, erect to spreading, slightly shorter than petals, variously united in small clusters basally to middle, the clusters finally uniting with staminal column; anthers horseshoe-shaped, dehiscing by straightening; ovary broadly ovoid, ca 1 cm long; style colored like stamens but several cm longer; stigma of 5 tiny lobes. Capsules reddish-brown, elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or subglobose, shallowly 5-sulcate, mostly to 20 (30) cm long and 10 (12) cm wide, the valves 5, densely ferruginous outside, appressed-silky-pube scent within; seeds usually 2 or 3 per carpel, irregularly aagulate, mostly 3-4.5 cm long at maturity, brown, buoyant, embedded in solid, white, fleshy mesocarp. Croat 5613.