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Castelnavia fluitans
Tul. & Wedd.
Castelnavia pusillima
Tul. & Wedd.,
Castelnavia serpens
Tul. & Wedd.
Tom Philbrick
Monograph of Castelnavia
Philbrick, C.T.; C.P. Bove, & T.C. Edson Jr. 2009. Monograph of Castelnavia (Podostemaceae)
Herbs, often with dense, moss-like growth. Stems prostrate, tightly attached to substratum throughout, slightly rounded to flattened in cross-section, (0.3) 1.6 (5) mm wide, irregularly branched; branches arising laterally at irregular intervals or clustered. Leaves arising from margins of lateral branches, (3) 6 (15) per branch, simple (most common) or once divided, linear, (0.7) 4.1 (27) × (0.1) 0.3 (0.8) mm, 1-veined or vein lacking, apex acute or obtuse. Spathella (1.3) 1.7 (2.5) × (0.5) 0.6 (0.9) mm, rupturing apically into (3) 7 (11) linear to triangular segments. Flowers (1) 1 (4) per branch, surrounded by fused leaf sheaths (branch appearing swollen), pedicel (0.1) 0.2 (1.0) mm prior to anthesis. Tepals absent. Stamens 2, filaments prior to anthesis (0.5) 0.6 (1.0) × (0.1) 0.1 (0.2) mm, elongating to (1.0) 1.9 (3.6) mm and projecting from ruptured spathella during anthesis; anthers (0.5) 0.7 (4) × (0.3) 0.3 (5.5) mm. Pollen polar diameter (12.5) 17.2 (17.5) μm, equatorial diameter (12.5) 18.3 (17.5) μm, sexine 0.5 μm, nexine 0.5 μm. Ovary in preanthesis flowers (0.6) 0.7 (1) × (0.4) 0.5 (0.6) mm; in post anthesis flowers (0.6) 0.8 (1.1) × (0.4) 0.5 (0.7) mm, apical region of dorsal (upper) carpel papillate. Ovules (8) 15 (27) per ovary. Stigmas (0.3) 0.4 (0.8) mm prior to anthesis, elongating to (0.3) 0.7 (2) mm during anthesis. Capsules (0.4) 0.7 (1.5) × (0.4) 0.5 (1.2) mm; upper (dorsal) valve (0.5) 0.6 (0.8) × (0.4) 0.4 (0.6) mm, (3) 3 (5) ribbed (nonsuture), papillate in apical region; lower (ventral) valve (0.6) 0.7 (0.9) × (0.4) 0.5 (0.7) mm, (3) 5 (7) ribbed (nonsuture). Seeds (0.15) 0.2 (0.3) × (0.1) 0.14 (0.2) mm; (0) 9 (17) per capsule.
: Castelnavia fluitans and C. monandra are distinguished based primarily on stamen number per flower; two and one, respectively. Pollen features (polar and equatorial pollen shape; subtriangular and subcircular, oblate-spheroidal and prolate-spheroidal, respectively) also differ. Dried plants often become whitened.
: Flowering June-July.
Distribution and Habit
: Araguaia River (Pará – Tocantins border) and several rivers in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Abundant, often forming dense moss-like growth on rock outcrops. Although not yet documented, it is likely that this species can also grow on bark of rheophytic shrubs (e.g. Myrtaceae), as has been documented for C. monandra and C. multipartita (see below). Castelnavia fluitans often occurs with C. monandra and C. princeps in the Araguaia River, and C. multipartita in several rivers in Mato Grosso.
Representative Specimens Examined
: BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Alta Floresta, Teles Pires River, 55°59'43.3" W, 9°38'22.2" S, 16 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1858 (CONN, R, WCSU); Apiacás, Apiacás River, 57°4'18.8"W, 9° 19'11.9" S, 21 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1881, 1882 (CONN, R, WCSU); Aripuanã, Aripuanã River, 56° 27'12.8" W, 10° 9'50.9" S, 23 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1897 (R, WCSU); Bandeirante, Juruena River, 56° 13'45.7" W, 9° 57'2.3" S, 22 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1886 (CONN, R, WCSU); Juruena, Juruena River, 58° 21'19.6" W, 10° 21'39.3" S, 27 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1916 (R, WCSU); Juruena, Juruena River, 58° 20'19.5" W, 10° 22'50.9" S, 28 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1919 (R, WCSU); Paranaíta, Teles Pires River, 56° 46'41.0" W, 9° 21'1.8" S, 19 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1872 (R, WCSU); Colniza, Guariba River, 60° 17'35.9" W, 9° 15'37.4" S, 26 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1909 (R, WCSU); Colniza (Panelas), Roosevelt River, 60° 44'11" W, 9° 9' 52.1" S, 25 Sep 2007, Bove & Philbrick 1900 (R, WCSU). Pará-Tocantins boundary: between São Geraldo do Araguaia (Pará) & Xambioá (Tocantins), Araguaia River, 48° 30'12.3" W, 6° 21'36.5" S, 24 Jul 2006, Philbrick et al. 5990, 5991 (R, WCSU); Idem, 48° 32'1.9" W, 6° 23'15.7" S, 24 Jul 2006, Philbrick et al. 5987–5989 (R, WCSU). Pará: Conceição do Araguaia, Araguaia River, 49° 16'36" W, 8° 21'2" S, 10 Jun 2005, Philbrick et al. 5840 (MEXU, R, WCSU); São João do Araguaia, Araguaia River, 48° 47'23.4" W, 5° 21'19.5" S, 22 Jul 2006, Philbrick et al. 5973–5975 (R, WCSU); Idem, 48° 57'24.8" W, 5° 16'43.5" S, 22 Jul 2006, Philbrick et al. 5983 (R, WCSU); Idem, 48° 47'27" W, 5° 21'27" S, 11 Jun 2005, Philbrick et al. 5843 (MEXU, R, WCSU); Idem, 48° 46'9" W, 5° 20'32" S, 11 Jun 2005, Philbrick et al. 5844, 5846 (MEXU, R, WCSU); 1 km upstream of bridge to Marabá, Araguaia River, 48° 2'55.1" W, 5° 19'16.9" S, 22 Jul 2006, Philbrick et al. 5984, 5985 (R, WCSU).
: C. Thomas Philbrick, Claudia P. Bove, and Thomas C. Edson Jr. 2009. Monograph of Castelnavia (Podostemaceae). Systematic Botany (2009), 34(4): pp. 715–729
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