(Thunb.) Schelpe, J. S. African Bot. 29:91.1963 Dryopteris gongylodes (Schkuhr) O. Kuntze; Nephrodium terminans Hook.; T. interrupta (Willd.) I. Wats. Terrestrial or aquatic, to 1.8 m tall; rhizome long-creeping, black, the petiole bases widely spaced (2-9 cm apart). Leaves 1-pinnate; petioles stramineous except dark at base, to 1 m long, glabrous or scaly only near base; blades moderately stiff, 30-80 cm long, 14-60 cm wide, gradually tapered to apex; leaflets sessile or short-stalked, the largest 7-30 cm long, 1-2.2 cm wide, lobed mostly one-third to one-half of the way to midrib, the lobes nearly obtuse to rounded at apex, glabrous or scaly on underside, the scales sparse, stramineous, deltoid, the midrib sparsely short-pubescent, the upper surface often also glandular, the glands sessile; l or more pairs of veins connivent before reaching the sinus. Sori indusiate, often confluent when mature, in a row on either side of midrib of lobes (forming V-shaped pattern); indusium glabrous or ciliate. Croat 13970.