Terrestrial; rhizome moderately stout, long to short-creeping, scaly at apex, the scales linear-attenuate. Leaves 1-pinnate-pinnatifid; petioles usually short-pubescent, to 80 cm long, dark and scaly at base, light brown above; blades to 80 cm long; rachis and lower costae short-pubescent and with minute, gland-tipped trichomes; leaflets sessile or short-stalked, to 30 cm long and 2.7 cm wide, the longest usually at the base, dissected two-thirds to three-fourths of the way to midrib, the lower surface short-pubescent and with sulfur-yellow, sessile glands (especially on veins), the upper surface, costule, and margin with longer, stiff trichomes; basal pair of veinlets of each pair of adjacent lobes connivent at the sinus or coming together below the sinus but not actually joining. Sori round, borne on veinlets in a row on either side of the midrib of the lobes; indusium glabrous or sparsely short-pubescent. Croat 6517. Occasional, in forest ravines. The species is easily distinguished from other Thelypteris species on BCI by the sulfur-yellow glands on the lower blade surface.