Coarse vine, +/- densely puberulent on all parts. Stipules 6-7 mm long; petioles 4-6 cm long, bearing a pair of prominent glands 1-2 cm from base and sometimes a second pair above them; blades trilobate to about middle., truncate to generally deeply cordate at base, 9-13 cm long and wide, the lobes acuminate, the central lobe stronger and contracted toward the base, the upper surface glabrescent except on strigillose veins, the lower surface minutely crisp-villous, sparsely so in age, distinctly biglandular at base of each sinus, the glands ca 1 mm long, the margins subentire to serrulate; palmate veins at base 3. Flowers solitary in axils, 6-7 cm diam; peduncles to 2 cm long in flower, the bracts 3, united at base, ca 2.5 cm long, tomentulose; sepals 5, oblong, 2.5-3.5 cm long, with a slender appendage at apex; petals 5, oblong-spatulate, ca 2 cm long, white inside, spotted with dark pink; corona with the outer filaments shorter, 6-7 mm long, the middle series 2-2.5 cm long; operculum 2 mm long, entire; ovary densely white-tomentose. Berries globose, puberulent, to 5 cm long, green, lacking markings. Zetek 4352. Collected only once on the island and not seen in recent years. Flowers elsewhere in Panama from February to June, and fruits from July.