Yemeri mayo, Yemeri macho, Yemeri wood, Flor de mayo, Pegle, Mocri, Mecri, Palo malin Tree, 6-25 m tall (taller elsewhere); trunk usually to 30 cm dbh; bark smooth; branches widely spreading, the crown somewhat flattened; branchlets, rachises, and lower leaf surfaces softly ferruginous-tomentulose. Leaves short-petiolate; stipules minute; blades elliptic-oblong, long-acuminate, acute to obtuse at base, glabrous and shiny above except on midrib, 6-13 cm long, 2-4.5 cm wide, the margin revolute. Cincinni terminal and axillary, cylindrical, ca 15 cm long; flowers 1-5, zygomorphic, yellow-orange; calyx lobes 5, unequal, l equaling petals and spurred at base, the spur recurved; petals 3, oblong-spatulate, to 1 cm long; stamen 1, opposite the anterior petal, slightly shorter than petals; anther boat-shaped; staminodia 2; style equaling anther, sunken in face of anther in bud; stigma lateral. Capsules 3-angular, +/- oblong-obovoid, 3-celled, obtuse to subretuse at apex, 1.7-2.5 cm long, 5-8 mm wide, slightly verrucose, gray-green; seeds to 2.3 cm long, with a unilateral wing, the limb tomentose. Croat 5428, Foster 1112. Occasional; locally abundant in young areas of the forest, especially north of Barbour Trail, on Gross Peninsula, and on Orchid Island. Flowers from late March to early July, mostly from April to June, with individual trees flowering for as long as 2 months. A second, much smaller flowering may occur in September and October. The fruits mature from August to October.