Glabrous, rhizomatous, terrestrial herb, to 130 cm tall. Petioles tightly ensheathing stem; leaves appearing sessile, linear-lanceolate, gradually tapered to apex, to 80 cm or more long, 5.5-6 cm wide, the midrib prominently canaliculate in basal half of blade, whitish and prominently ridged on underside, the ridges diminishing by apical fourth of blade. Inflorescences long, stout, erect racemes 70-100 cm long, terminating leafless scapes produced directly from the rhizome; flowers olive or greenish-tan; sepals free, lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, to 25 mm long and 8 mm wide; petals erect, oblong, obtuse, +/- equal to sepals; lip trilobate, shaded with rose or purple, the middle lobe with numerous denticulate longitudinal veins. Fruits 3.5-4 cm long, ellipsoid, with 6 prominent ribs, the pedicel ca 1.5 cm long. Croat 12809. Rare; known only from Rear # 8 Lighthouse Clearing, where it usually persists after each cutting. Flowers during the middle to late rainy season and the earliest part of the dry season. Mature-sized fruits have been seen in the early dry season (December). Seeds are probably dispersed during the dry season.