Carpetgrass Perennial, 20-60 cm tall; stoloniferous, often in dense stands; culms +/- erect, flattened, pubescent at nodes. Sheaths flattened, glabrous throughout except at collar and sometimes ciliate on the margins; blades 5-15 cm long, 6-12 mm wide, glabrous below, glabrous to sparsely long-pubescent above, the margins scabrid, usually ciliate at least near base. Inflorescences terminal or upper axillary, with 2-5 racemes 3-10 cm long, the upper 2 conjugate, the others a short distance below; spikelets mostly 2-2.5 mm long, 2 or more times longer than broad, acute at apex, alternate on a triangular, narrowly winged rachis, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; first glume lacking; second glume and sterile lemma acute, exceeding fruit. Fruits to 2 mm long, oblong-elliptic, blunt at apex, whitish, minutely roughened. Croat 16573. Common to locally abundant in the Laboratory Clearing. Flowers all year, especially in the rainy season. Similar to Digitaria horizontalis, but having a single spikelet per node of the inflorescence. Throughout warmer regions of New and Old Worlds. In Panama, widespread in tropical moist forest; known also in premontane dry forest in Coclé (Aguadulce), tropical dry forest in Panama (Taboga Island), and lower montane wet forest in Chiriqui (Volcan).