Tree to 30 m tall, to 60 cm dbh, often buttressed 1.5 m; bark thin, planar, unfissured or with minute cracks; inner bark thick, with brown streaks; sparsely short-pubescent on young stems and leaves, +/- glabrous in age except for midrib above and below. Petioles 5-9 mm long; blades ovate-elliptic to elliptic or ovate, acuminate, obtuse and slightly inequilateral at base, +/- decurrent onto petiole, 6-14 cm long and 3.5-7 cm wide (to 24 cm long and 10 cm wide on juveniles), 3-veined at base, the larger lateral veins with inconspicuous cavelike domatia in axils beneath (especially the apical axils) with 2-4 pairs of major laterals above the basal pair. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicels to 7 mm long in fruit; sepals 5, suborbicular, to 1 mm long, persistent, ciliate. Drupes narrowly ovoid, with a pungent odor, green at maturity, to 1.8 cm long, glabrous; pericarp leathery, ca 1 mm thick; seed with a brown testa, ca 1 cm long. Croat 16212. Rare; known from a few individuals in the old forest. Flowering unknown. Fruits in July; elsewhere in Central America mature-sized fruits have been seen in March and September.