Slender, erect perennial, 25-60 cm tall; calms geniculate and rooting at lower nodes, glabrous. Sheaths longer than the internodes, glabrous except for long cilia on margins especially near apex; ligules lacking; blades 5-22 cm long, 6-13 mm wide, glabrous below, sparsely hispid above, the margins scabrid. Panicles terminal, slender, 5-20 cm long, the branches simple, short densely flowered; rachis both scabrid and long-hispid; spikelets 1.3-1.5 mm long, second, glabrous; first gloms about half as long as spikelet; second gloms and sterile lemma covering fruit. Fruits ovoid-ellipsoid ca 1 mm long, white, shiny. Croat 16551. Locally abundant to common in clearings; locally common on trails in the forest. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year, more abundantly in the rainy season.