Tree, to 27 m tall and 30 cm dbh; trunk weakly involute throughout much of its length, with warty protuberances (probably deciduous branch bases); outer bark unfissured, thin, obscurely lenticellate; inner bark thin, granular; young stems densely rufous-tomentose, with a flat-topped rib extending below each petiole, these persisting on older stems; sap with faint sweet aroma. Petioles 1-2 cm long, densely tomentose; blades oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, gradually long-acuminate and often twisted at apex, attenuate to acute and decurrent at base, 10-24 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, moderately pubescent above at least on midrib (the trichomes more dense on veins, brownish, straight, leaning forward), tomentose on veins below (the trichomes not completely appressed), otherwise the surface below moderately appressed-pubescent, the margins +/- revolute; midrib arched. Panicles from upper axils, to 20 cm long, with a slender axis, branched mostly in the upper two-thirds; axes, peduncles, and pedicels densely short-pubescent; flowers bisexual, mostly clustered at ends of branches; pedicels 1-3 mm long in flower, 5-12 mm long in fruit, densely grayish-puberulent; flowers cream-colored, ca 5 mm wide; perianth lobes sessile, subequal, spreading at anthesis, ovate-triangular, acute at apex, weakly grayish-pubescent outside, granular-puberulent inside; stamens 9, the 6 outer ones opposite perianth lobes, sessile, the outer side weakly pubescent, the subtending glands fused into a ring around the ovary, about half as high as the outer stamens, the 3 inner stamens apparently fused to the glandular ring; ovary ovoid; style short; stigma simple. Fruits fleshy, 1-seeded, round, to 1.3 cm diam, the cupule green, obconical, 9-13 mm long and ca 1 cm wide at apex, glabrous to weakly pubescent. Croat 14989.