Nearly glabrous liana; outer bark gray, thin, becoming fissured and peeling to expose reddish-brown inner bark; sap sometimes red in older wood. Stipules lacking or minute and early deciduous; petioles short, to 8 mm long; blades +/- elliptic, acuminate, rounded or subcordate at base, mostly 6-26 (33) cm long, 2-11 cm wide, somewhat coriaceous, the sides +/- upturned, broadly undulate. Inflorescences axillary, to 15 cm long, branched many times, fragile; pedicels ca 1.5 mm long, slender; flowers greenish, to 2 mm diam, 5-parted; sepals minute; petals spreading, ca 1 mm long, papillose-puberulent; stamens 3, minute, included. Mericarps 3, divergent, capsular, longer than broad, rounded or emarginate at apex, 7.5-10 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, 1-2 cm thick; exocarp light brown, +/- roughened; seeds usually 4 per mericarp, 4-7.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, fleshy, buoyant, irregularly angulate. Croat 7677 Flowering inflorescences disappear quickly. The fruits are quite distinctive and are probably principally water dispersed.