D. asperum (Poir.) Dew. Erect perennial to 2 m tall; stems uncinate-hirtellous. Leaves trifoliolate; stipules 10-15 mm long, clasping; petioles 2-5 cm long; stipels noticeable; leaflets +/- elliptic-ovate, rounded at apex and base, hispidulous or hirsute-puberulent on both surfaces, the terminal leaflet 4-8 cm long and 1-3.5 cm wide, the lateral leaflets smaller, the reticulate veins prominulous below. Panicles of racemes large, terminal, the lower racemes axillary; bracts inconspicuous, subulate, ca 3 mm long; pedicels ca 7 mm long (to 12 mm in fruit); flowers small, purplish; calyx 4-lobed, ca 3 mm long; standard ca 5 mm long. Loments briefly stipitate, lobed equally from both margins, uncinate-puberulent; segments 5 or 6, orbicular, ca 2.5 mm diam. Starry 307. Collected only once at the edge of the Laboratory Clearing; not seen in recent years. Apparently flowers and fruits throughout the year.