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New World Myrtaceae
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Aguirre Carrera, Marco Alejandro
Aiello, Annette
Ali-Khan, Akisha
Amaya, Diego
Ayers, Tina
Batista, Chelina
Cabrera, Ruben
Castro, Ricardo
Cetz-Navarro, Neidy
Chauca, Natalí
Collin, Rachel
Corbyn, Ron
Cornejo, Xavier
Correa, Mireya
Croat, Thomas
da Gama, Bernardo A.P.
Diaz-Pulido, Guillermo
Enrique Moreno & David Roubik
eron, Zhi
Fernández, Cindy
Flickinger, Jonathan
Freire-Fierro, Alina
Galdames, Carmen
Galán, Pablo
Gilbert, Edward
Guerra, Marcos
Góndola, Plinio
Hernández, Andrés
Jacomé, Gabriel
Jefferson, Jefferson
Landrum, L. R.
Linn, Jason
Makings, Liz
Manaure, keisha
mehdi, syed
Meier, Winfried
Mendoza, Anthony
Morales, J Francisco
ndoval, aleciasa
panamob, panamob
Paton, Steven
Pałasiewicz, Leszek
Perez, Rolando
Philbrick, Tom
rocha, paulo
Salas, Margarita Rosa Albis
Setiyawan, Aries
Tapia Tarco, Aracelly Fernanda
Valencia, Carlos
Vieira, Sebastian
Weber, Daniela
Williams, Geoffrey
Ziegler, Christian
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QC Problem - There is a problem with this image.
Adult - Image contains the adult organism.
Immature - Image contains the immature organism.
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Aristolochiaceae, Asteraceae, Bromeliaceae, Fabaceae y Myrtaceae de la colección del Herbario USD, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
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Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
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Berberis Research Database - compiled by L. R. Landrum
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Colección del Padre Fuertes, Herbario USD
(IIBZ-Herbario USD)
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Field Museum of Natural History
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Fundación Jardín Botánico Joaquín Antonio Uribe de Medellín
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Harvard University Herbaria
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Herbario de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
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Herbario del Banco de Germoplasma CENTA
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Herbario Nacional Colombiano
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Herbario Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
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Herbario Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
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Herbarium of the University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras
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Missouri Botanical Garden
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Myrtaceae Research Database - compiled by L.R. Landrum
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New York Botanical Garden
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United States National Herbarium
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Universidad de La Serena
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Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Herbario UVAL
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Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Herbario UFV, Perú
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Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador - Herbario
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Western Connecticut State University Herbarium - Podostemaceae
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General Observation and Personal Collections
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Herbario Virtual Austral Americano General Observations
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iNaturalist Plant Observations - Colombia
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Miscellaneous Galapagos Plant Collections
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Page 1, records 1-200 of 396
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Galdames, Carmen
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Galdames, Carmen
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Galdames, Carmen
Ficus maxima
Croat, Thomas
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Aiello, Annette
Ficus maxima
Galdames, Carmen
Ficus glaucescens
Forest Department British Guiana
Ficus glaucescens
Forest Department British Guiana
Ficus grandaeva
C. F. P. Martius
Ficus maxima
Schunke Vigo J; Graham JG
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Rosa NA; Santos MR dos
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396236F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201599F
Ficus maxima
O. L. Haught
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396282F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201631F
Ficus maxima
K. Romoleroux
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
José C. Soto Núñez; F. Solórzano G.
Ficus maxima
Jansen-Jacobs MJ
Ficus maxima
Saldías-Paz M; Jardim A; Ramos; Guillén R
Ficus maxima
E. L. Little, Jr.
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396247F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201640F
Ficus maxima
E. Pérez Arbeláez & J. Cuatrecasas
Ficus maxima
A. Dugand G.
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201630F
Ficus maxima
M. S. Ferrucci
Ficus maxima
E. Cabrera; H. de Cabrera
Ficus maxima
Prance GT
Ficus maxima
Huber W; Weissenhofer A
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201657F
Ficus maxima
J. Cuatrecasas
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396224F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201612F
Ficus maxima
J. Cuatrecasas
Ficus maxima
E. L. Little, Jr.
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
Aguilar R
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201608F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201648F
Ficus maxima
A. Dugand G.
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396260F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0228567F
Ficus maxima
G. S. Hartshorn
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396245F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0396258F
Ficus maxima
Dodson CH; Gentry AH
Ficus maxima
Huashikat V
Ficus maxima
A. Dugand G.
Ficus maxima
G. S. Hartshorn
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201607F
Ficus maxima
Steyermark JA
Ficus maxima
Maas PJM
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
Vásquez Chávez R; Rojas R; Valenzuela Gamarra L
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201627F
Ficus maxima
Forero E
Ficus maxima
Vásquez Chávez R
Ficus maxima
J. Cuatrecasas
Ficus maxima
A. Sanders
Ficus maxima
E. Martínez S.; C. H. Ramos, F. Chiang y G. Aguilar M.
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201641F
Ficus maxima
Bunting GS
Ficus maxima
Silva M; Souza R
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Schunke Vigo J; Graham JG
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201603F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201637F
Ficus maxima
Gentry AH
Ficus maxima
Boeke JD
Ficus maxima
J. Cuatrecasas
Ficus maxima
B. A. Krukoff
Ficus maxima
R. Aguinda
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201626F
Ficus maxima
Greg de Nevers
Ficus maxima
Cardozo A
Ficus maxima
Maas PJM
Ficus maxima
Beck SG
Ficus maxima
Biset JS; Campos de la Cruz J
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201600F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201597F
Ficus maxima
Berg CC
Ficus maxima
Revilla J
Ficus maxima
T. C. Plowman et al.
Ficus maxima
R. E. Schultes
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201632F
Ficus maxima
Ulises Rojas
Ficus maxima
Davidse G
Ficus maxima
Gillespie LJ
Ficus maxima
Martius CFP von
Ficus maxima
Andel TR van
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Cordeiro MR
Ficus maxima
Berg CC
Ficus maxima
Boeke JD
Ficus maxima
Revilla J
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201652F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201616F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201643F
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
Folsom JP
Ficus maxima
Wurdack JJ; Adderley LS
Ficus maxima
Kayap R
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201662F
Ficus maxima
R. Espina
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201633F
Ficus maxima
Andel TR van; Samuels A; Smith P
Ficus maxima
Tenorio L P
Ficus maxima
Malave I; Canales H
Ficus maxima
Trujillo B
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201654F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201617F
Ficus maxima
J. M. Aguilar
Ficus maxima
Holm RW; Iltis HH
Ficus maxima
Chagas J
Ficus maxima
Huashikat V
Ficus maxima
Steyermark JA
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201671F
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201673F
Ficus maxima
Foster RB
Ficus maxima
Grayum MH
Ficus maxima
Schunke Vigo J
Ficus maxima
Steyermark JA
Ficus maxima
Smith AC
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201614F
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201668F
Ficus maxima
Forero E
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Marcano-Berti L
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
DeWolf Jr GP
Ficus maxima
Yuncker TG
Ficus maxima
Pipoly JJ
Ficus maxima
Trujillo B
Ficus maxima
Revilla J
Ficus maxima
Øllgaard B
Ficus maxima
Prance GT
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201611F
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201672F
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Suringar WFR
Ficus maxima
G. Hatschbach
Ficus maxima
Schunke Vigo J
Ficus maxima
Johnston IM
Ficus maxima
Revilla J
Ficus maxima
Steyermark JA
Ficus maxima
Clarke HD; David K; Chin C; Perry C
Ficus maxima
I. M. Sánchez Vega et al.
Ficus maxima
Krukoff BA
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201666F
Ficus maxima
Bunting GS
Ficus maxima
F-Botany: V0201604F
Ficus maxima
Ficus maxima
Biset JS; Campos de la Cruz J
Ficus maxima
Page 1, records 1-200 of 396