Collection Profile for: United States National Herbarium (US-Botany) The United States National Herbarium was founded in 1848, when the first collections were accessioned from the United States Exploring Expedition (50,000 specimens of 10,000 species). Current holdings total 5 million specimens, making this collection among the ten largest in the world representing about 8% of the plant collection resources of the United States. The herbarium is especially rich in type specimens (@110,000).
Collection Statistics
238,399 specimen records
48,651 (20%) georeferenced
47,384 (20%) with images (47,384 total images) 172,766 (72%) identified to species 545 families 4,191 genera 36,612 species 38,873 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
6 May 2014
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Acanthella (2 ) Aciotis (27 ) Acisanthera (3 ) Adelobotrys (25 ) Allomaieta (1 ) Alloneuron (7 ) Amphitoma (1 ) Anaectocalyx (9 ) Anisocentrum (1 ) Arthrostema (22 ) Arthrostemma (1 ) Axinaea (34 ) Bellucia (24 ) Bertolonia (6 ) Blakea (155 ) Boyania (1 ) Brachyotum (28 ) Bucquetia (2 ) Calyptrella (6 ) Cambessedesia (8 ) Castratella (1 ) Centradenia (24 ) Centradeniastrum (3 ) Centronia (8 ) Chaenopleura (2 ) Chaetogastra (3 ) Chaetolepis (44 ) Chaetostoma (3 ) Chalybea (1 ) Clidemia (284 ) Comolia (8 ) Comoliopsis (1 ) Conostegia (162 ) Copedesma (1 ) Coryphadenia (2 ) Cremanium (4 ) Cyphostyla (1 ) Desmoscelis (1 ) Diolena (7 ) Ernestia (6 ) Farringtonia (1 ) Fritzschia (1 ) Graffenrieda (46 ) Henriettea (19 ) Henriettella (22 ) Heterocentron (2 ) Heterotrichum (6 ) Huberia (5 ) Huilaea (7 ) Icaria (1 ) Killipia (4 ) Kirkbridea (2 ) Lasiandra (3 ) Lavoisiera (9 ) Leandra (119 ) Loreya (15 ) Loricalepis (1 ) Macairea (15 ) Macrocentrum (9 ) Maieta (7 ) Mallophyton (1 ) Marcetia (7 ) Meliandra (1 ) Meriania (70 ) Merianthera (1 ) Miconia (1360 ) Microlicia (19 ) Monochaetum (100 ) Monolena (14 ) Mouriri (85 ) Myriaspora (2 ) Nepsera (5 ) Opisthocentra (1 ) Ossaea (50 ) Pachyloma (4 ) Phainantha (3 ) Pilocosta (5 ) Pleroma (2 ) Poteranthera (1 ) Prosanerpis (1 ) Pterolepis (20 ) Ptilanthus (1 ) Rhexia (3 ) Rhynchanthera (9 ) Salpinga (2 ) Schwackaea (18 ) Siphanthera (5 ) Spennera (1 ) Stanmarkia (1 ) Svitramia (3 ) Tateanthus (1 ) Tessmannianthus (6 ) Tibouchina (149 ) Tibouchinopsis (1 ) Tococa (53 ) Topobea (62 ) Trembleya (12 ) Triolena (26 ) Votomita (2 )